Wholesome Food Solutions: Your Partnership with gather

When preparing to move your school to outsourced student catering solutions, your administration needs to be sure that your chosen contract catering provider has the best interests of the administration and the school community at heart. In a market flush with options, gather is more than just another caterer who is only interested in meeting their contractual requirements; we develop a genuine, ongoing partnership founded on a passionate desire to care for the health and wellbeing of your school community.


A Truly Client-Focused Experience  

Many of our partners and clients are schools who may have had an extensive history of providing quality formative education to their student bodies, but struggled with equally important areas such as providing a positive mealtime experience for their students. While many of our partner schools attempted other catering solutions, whether in-house or from an alternate school catering provider, these consistently failed to build the kind of genuine partnership needed for the best possible results.

Our clients often approach us with a consistent set of requirements:

  • A catering service that would work truly side-by-side with the school administration;
  • A food service that is truly student-centric and focused on the best possible outcomes for growing students; and
  • A catering provider that is innovative, flexible, and cost-effective.

gather is small enough to be able to provide the kind of highly personalised client-centric service our schools hope for, but large enough to provide all of the operational support and experience needed to provide the best possible service experience.


"gather. by Cater Care are more than a catering supplier or a service provider...they create a "home away from home" for our residents. gather. by Cater Care is our partner in caring."
Ms Ana Alexander
former Operations Manager at Union College

When you choose to make the switch to partnering with gather, we’ll make sure that your school isn’t left in the lurch during the transition. We work with your school on every step of the journey from tender to mobilisation and are sure to address each and every concern you may have throughout, to ensure that gather joining your school community is a seamless experience.


Nourishing Bodies and Minds

Part of what draws gather and forward-thinking schools together so strongly is gather’s absolute commitment to the use of fresh, nourishing food prepared in a wholesome home-cooked style. As part of the rollout of the gather Healthy Eating Program, we’ve developed a range of expertly designed rotating menus purpose-built to support the nutritional challenges and requirements of boarding students. Students at our partner schools enjoy dining from diverse menus, including healthy cuisine such as red pork curry served in jasmine rice, or baked hoki seasoned with chilli and ginger.


Growing your Relationship with gather

Perhaps the most crucial ingredient to the ongoing success of the relationship between gather and our clients is the in-depth operational support we provide. Rather than waiting until our contract is due for retention to check in on our performance, gather has a series of both internal and external mechanisms to keep a close eye on quality.

    • gather’s expert team of in-house dietitians regularly review menus every term to find areas for improvement, leading to an always evolving menu and dining experience. 

    • A dedicated Site Manager liaises with the school’s administration to check for and then implement any feedback.

    • Performance reviews are regularly conducted by the visiting Operations Manager to ensure that each and every corner of the operation remains up to the standards of both gather and our partner school. 

    • Suggestion boxes are continually made available to both staff and students to provide immediate feedback on the dining experience. 

    Going with an outsourced catering solution can be the best option for your school administration, but you need to be able to trust that your school catering provider will always do right by your students.



    If you’re interested in having an open and earnest discussion about what gather can do for your school community, reach out to David O’Brien and the team to learn more today. 

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